Building Covenant Assessments

Complete building covenant assessment services for developers.

We have built up trusted relationships with many developers over the years and have been engaged to manage many developments in Queensland and New South Wales.

As part of our service offering, we not only provide comprehensive development advisory and development management, but with our in-house design and town planning team provide a broad range of services specifically for the property industry.

We understand the complexities involved in the building design assessment process and the benefits gained in upholding the Building Covenants in developments. Firstly, we can assist developers in drafting building design guidelines that meet the unique requirements of the developer and the development. Every development is different and so tailoring the building design guidelines is required.

We work with the developer’s legal team to incorporate the building design guidelines into the sales contracts so that they become the Building Covenants each buyer is bound to when purchasing into the development.

Next, as the land is sold and houses are being constructed, our in-house design assessment team look after all aspects of the building covenant process. Our specialised team with architecture, town planning and project management backgrounds means we have the expertise to assess and respond appropriately to each application.

We create the assessment templates and undertake a complete review of each application and assessment.

Our Building Covenant services include:

  • Complete management so each developer can rest easy knowing the whole process is being managed.

  • Understand project & draft building design guidelines

  • Create assessment template

  • Review each building covenant application & provide assessment to buyer/builder

  • Continue liaising with each buyer/builder until each application is finalised and approved

Get in touch today to discuss your project!

Developers we have undertaken building covenant assessments for:

  • In the last 2 years we have been appointed as the Design Assessment Panel to assess the building covenants for over 320 lots in a range of developments

A selection of our Development Management Projects.

  • With our expertise in design, construction, development and sales we can manage the entire development process or just specific phases.

Our development services.

Discover more of our projects.