Construction Superintendent

Construction Superintendent.

Development advice you can trust.

We hold licences and qualifications in construction management, project management, contract administration, law, construction and carpentry which enables us to provide unparalleled expertise from a project management consultant to ensure each development is constructed to an exceptionally high standard with an appropriate contract. Without an experienced Superintendent, the developer and project are exposed to unnecessary construction risk and contract disputes.

We hold a carpentry license and also an open builder site supervisor licence and so have the knowledge and experience to identify construction issues during the design phase as well as on site during construction. This reduces projects costs involved in costly defects, re-work and rectification.

As the Superintendent, we administer the construction contract on behalf of the Principal and Contractor to ensure a smooth delivery process and mitigate risk and disputes. We have in-house contract expertise with one of our directors a qualified construction and dispute resolution lawyer.

We review progress claims, requests for information, issue directions and certify payments. Additionally, throughout the project, we will continually review build quality and progress to minimise undesirable outcomes.

Key roles and responsibilities include:

  • Contract Administration

  • Contract administration during construction

  • Issue directions, approvals, and recommendations

  • Evaluate claims and prepare directions, including variations, extensions of time and other claims

  • Certify and approve claims and payment certificates (with QS)

  • Manage variations register

  • Financial management and reporting

  • Facilitate dispute resolution

  • Certify Practical Completion under all relevant legislation

  • Contractor Performance

  • Project Control Group meeting with Contractor and Principal

  • Oversee project delivery to ensure it is aligned with contract requirements

  • Monitor progress of the works on and off-site

  • Notify defective workmanship

  • Monitor financial and program performance

  • Resolve technical problems before they arise

  • Defects management system

  • Authority completion requirements, including Occupancy Permits and Certificate of Occupancy

With our expertise in design, construction, development and sales we can manage the entire development process or just specific phases.